Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

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Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Kassandra »


Rose Water Recipe
How To Make Your Own Rose Water

Rose water is one of several products you can buy or make that retains the fragrance of rose petals. It is used in perfumes and cosmetics, plus it has slightly astringent properties, so it makes an excellent facial toner. Because the commercial process used to make rose water is labor intensive and requires a lot of roses, it's an expensive product to buy.

However, if you have roses, you can make your own rose water quite easily. It's an easy example of distillation, a chemical separation and purification process.

Rose Water Materials

• 2-3 quarts rose petals
• water
• ice cubes
• pot with rounded lid
• brick
• bowl that fits inside pot

1. Place the brick in the center of the pot. There is nothing magical about the brick. Its purpose is simply to hold the collection bowl above the surface of the roses.
2. Put the rose petals in the pot (around the brick) and add enough water to barely cover the petals.
3. Set the bowl on top of the brick. The bowl will collect the rose water.
4. Invert the lid of the pot (turn it upside down), so the rounded part of the lid dips into the pot.
5. Heat the roses and water to a gentle boil.
6. Place ice cubes on the top of the lid. The ice will cool the steam, condensing the rose water inside the pot and making it run down the lid and drip into the bowl.
7. Continue gently boiling the roses and adding ice as needed until you have collected the rose water. Don't boil off all the water. You'll collect the most concentrated rose water in the first few minutes. After that, it will become more and more dilute. Turn off the heat when you notice the condensation isn't as rose-scented as you would like. You can collect between a pint and quart of rose water in 20-40 minutes using 2-3 quarts of rose petals.

Other Floral Scents

This process works with other floral essences, too. Other flower petals that work well include:
• honeysuckle
• lilac
• violets
• hyacinth
• iris
• lavender

You can experiment with mixing the scents to make custom fragrances. While rose water, violet water, and lavender water are edible and safe for use in cosmetics, some other types of flowers are only good as fragrances and shouldn't be applied directly to the skin or ingested.

Safety Notes

• This is a fun project for kids, but adult supervision is required because boiling water and steam are involved. Kids can collect flowers and squeeze liquid from cooled cotton balls.
• If you are using the rose water (or violet or lavender water) for cooking or cosmetics, be sure to use flowers that are free of pesticides. Many gardeners spray flowers with chemicals or feed them with systemic pesticides. For a simple fragrance project, it's fine to simply rinse off the flower petals to remove any residue, but avoid using chemically treated flowers for food projects or cosmetics.

Source: ... Recipe.htm


A Quicker Method


1. The petals must be freshly picked. Pesticides or chemicals should not be used while growing them, which is why it makes sense to use roses that you have grown yourself.
2. Pick flowers two to three hours after sunrise when the morning dew has evaporated.
3. Use only petals, not the stem and leaves.
4. Wash thoroughly to remove bugs and dirt particles.
5. Place the rose petals in a large pot of distilled water.
6. Add just enough water to cover the petals. Too much water will give you very diluted rose water.
7. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer on a low flame. The water should be steaming hot not boiling hot.
8. Allow the water to steam until the petals have lost their colour and the water has taken on the colour of the rose petals. You will see the rose oil floating on the surface.
9. Strain the water and collect in a container. Store it in a refrigerator. It will last longer this way.

Source: http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... -large-pot



Mundane Uses for Rose Water
These are Only Suggestions…Think of Your Own Uses for It!

Rose Water: Scientific Data Supports Its Anti-Oxidant Properties

Rose water has been used since ancient times for soothing properties on skin and now studies on chemical composition of rose water support this fact. Rose water is rich in anti-oxidants like flavonoids and has anti-bacterial properties against bacteria implicated in causation pimples.

What are benefits of rose water on skin?

Rose water has:

* Anti-inflammatory action that can sooth red, irritated skin due to sunburn, sensitivity, eczema etc. But a word of caution, rose water available in market contains preservatives that might harm sensitive skin.

* Hydration: Besides anti-inflammatory properties the water content can hydrate dry skin and yet not clog pores in oily and acne prone skin.

* Anti-aging: Rose water is rich source of anti-oxidant and hence help skin to repair damage caused by sun, pollution, harsh skin care products thus contributing to anti-aging.

* Anti-acne: Studies show that rose water has anti-bacterial property that helps to stop growth of P. acne, a bacteria implicated in causing acne.

* De-stressing: The aroma of rose in a study showed decreased blood pressure and reduced stress and anxiety.

How can I use rose water?

* In oily skin- you can use it as toner to wipe off face with cotton dipped in rose water. This will hydrate your skin and yet not clog the pores besides it can help in reducing acne.

* In dry skin types- add glycerin and olive oil to rose water and apply for replenishing moisture.

* You can add rose water instead of plain water to any face pack to impart soothing and hydrating properties.

* You can also use it remove make-up by dipping cotton in rose water and gently wiping of skin without aggressive rubbing or pulling of skin.

How do I make pure rose water at home?

Rose water from available in market is easy to use, however those who want to make their own at home, I could search two methods to make pure rose water at home:

1. Store fresh rose petals in a jar filled with distilled water (available easily at chemist shops adjoining big hospitals) and placing them under the sunshine for a number of days.
2. Heat rose petals with distilled water in a covered clean utensil at low heat. Let it simmer until half the water is left, then let it cool. Discard the petals and your pure rosewater is ready for use.

Is rose water different from rose oil or rose hip oil?

Rose oil is obtained from steam distillation of rose petals is very expensive and is much richer source of anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids. It is usually available diluted in other carrier oils. You can add drops of rose oil in bathing water for soothing, moisturizing properties and also for an awesome aroma.

Source: ... s-its.html


And don't throw out those rosehips...

Photo: Vanessa Valencia

Rosehips (the fruit of the plant) are so rich in vitamin C (richer by far than oranges, ounce for ounce) that some people say we should make rosehip tea a part of our daily diet....All health food stores sell rosehips as a staple. They are rich in vitamins A, B, E, and K, organic acids, and pectin. The acids and pectin make rosehips mildly laxative and diuretic.

Rosehips are tart and cranberry-like. They're...used to make syrups, jellies, jams, conserves, teas, wines soups (especially in Scandinavian cuisines), purees, pies, tarts, qiuck breads, and muffins.

Source: Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs, pg. 423



Magical Uses for Roses
These are Only Suggestions…Think of Your Own Uses for Them!

"Love. What you mix with it determines the kind of love."
--Concerninng the Magical Uses of Herbs & Oils

Magical Correspondences/Properties

Flowers, petals, leaves

GENDER: Feminine
ELEMENTS: Fire and Water
PLANETS: Mars and Venus

Love Divination
Psychic Powers
Ultimate Love


Magical Uses

* The ultimate in love wishes, this will aid in bringing a true lasting love and help to mend any spats
between you in an already committed relationship.

* The petals can be bathed with while thinking a new love to you, the dried flowers are burned in love wishes.

* Sleeping with the flowers will protect your dreams.

* Carry a sachet or amulet for protection against bodily injury or when working healing wishes.

* Roses have long been used in love mixtures, owing to the flowers' association with the emotions.

* A chaplet of roses could be worn when perform-
ing love spells (remove the thorns), and/or roses
could be placed in a vase on the altar.

* Rose water distilled from the petals is added to love baths.

* Rosehips (the fruit of the rose) are strung and worn as love-attracting beads.

* A tea of rosebuds drunk before sleep induces prophetic dreams.

* To discover their romantic future, women used to take three green rose leaves and name each for one of their lovers. The one that stayed green the longest answered the question of "Which One?"

* Rose petals and hips are used in healing spells and mixtures, and rosewater saturated cloth laid to the temples will relieve headache pain.

* Roses are added to fast-luck mixtures and, when carried, act as personal protectants.

* Rose petals sprinkled around the house calm personal stress and household upheavals.

* Roses planted in the garden attract fairies, and are said to grow best when stolen.

Source: ... s/rose.htm
Excerpted from Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, by Scott Cunningham



Make a Love Magic Mojo Bag
Figured I'd Throw This in Since Roses Kinda' Have a Love Theme,
Though This Mojo Bag Itself Doesn't Call for Roses

The use of a mojo bag or spirit bag in love magic spans a variety of cultures and societies. It's found in hoodoo, Appalachian folk magic, and a number of European societies. As always, if your particular magical system frowns upon the use of love magic, then follow the guidelines of your tradition.

You’ll need the following:

* A piece of fabric, preferably from your lover’s clothing. If you can’t get a piece of his or her clothing to cut up, then use red fabric to symbolize love.

* Cinnamon

* Rosemary

* Rose Quartz - this is a stone often associated with love magic

* A magical link to your lover - some traditions of folk magic refer to this as a "taglock"

To make a love magic mojo bag, start by making a small drawstring pouch out of the fabric. There are a number of ways you can do this, but the simplest is to just fold a fabric rectangle in half and stitch on three sides. Then press a seam around the open end, and stitch that down as well, leaving a small opening for a drawstring. You can use the instructions for the Drawstring Tarot Pouch to make a love magic mojo bag. Another option is to use a button pouch, like the Crystal Sleeve Pouch. Either of these will work well.

Fill the bag with cinnamon (sticks broken into bits will work far better and be less messy than powdered cinnamon), and some rosemary sprigs. Both of these are associated with love and passion. Add a piece of rose quartz, which is associated with long-term loving relationships.

Finally, add a link to the person you love. In some traditions, this is called a taglock. It helps to connect the individual to you on a magical level. You can use a photo, a business card, a piece of hair or fingernail clippings --anything that is associated with that individual.

Close the bag, and carry it in your pocket, or wear it around your neck. This will draw your lover to you and keep him or her close. Once you’ve made your “love connection,” you can get rid of the bag using one of these disposal methods:

* Bury it someplace where it won't be disturbed --if you've used an organically based fabric for the bag, such as cotton, it will eventually biodegrade on its own.

* Burn it. Fire is considered a cleansing force, as well as a destroyer.

* Release it into the wild. If you use all natural items in your mojo bag, you could hide it in an old tree or place it on a stone that holds special meaning for you.

* Stash it away. In some folk magic traditions, the love mojo bag is kept for as long as you want the relationship to continue. If that's what you choose to do, put it someplace safe where it won't be bothered.

Source: ... jo-Bag.htm


Finally, a Little Advice About Love
OK, before you get too happy with your new Love Magic Mojo Bag, just be careful
what you wish for, and be advised of the following...
Honestly --how Madonna made it into the The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, but Linda Ronstadt didn't,
I don't know. Well, I have my suspicions, but nevermind ...not gonna' go there.

Love is a rose
but you better not pick it
It only grows when it's on the vine.
A handful of thorns and
you'll know you've missed it
You lose your love
when you say the word "mine."

I wanna see what's never been seen,
I wanna live that age old dream.
Come on, lads, we can go together
Let's take the best right now,
Take the best right now.

I wanna go to an old hoe-down
Long ago in a western town.
Pick me up cause my feet are draggin'
Give me a lift and I'll hay yer wagon.

Love is a rose
but you better not pick it
It only grows when it's on the vine.
A handful of thorns and
you'll know you've missed it
You lose your love
when you say the word "mine."

Mine, mine.
Love is a rose, love is a rose.
Love is a rose, love is a rose.

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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Violet »

Thank you! This is such a timely post. My tea roses are blooming, and their scent is intense.

I can't wait to try some of the spells, and the one I'll work them on won't mind! smileylove
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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Kassandra »


Violet Flower Witch wrote:Thank you! This is such a timely post. My tea roses are blooming, and their scent is intense.
Tea roses, yum. Yes, roses are ablaze everywhere in my neighborhood, everywhere I drive...I love it! Got my little pagan heart all happy. That's what inspired me to compose this post. I'm going to dry a bunch for future use.

Violet Flower Witch wrote:I can't wait to try some of the spells, and the one I'll work them on won't mind! smileylove
Perfect timing for that:


Well then, don't forget to take a cleansing bath first:

Love Spell Ritual Bath

The purpose of a ritual bath is to cleanse yourself and prepare yourself for the spell work at hand. A ritual bath is a rite in and of itself. This bath can also be done just prior to casting your spell to lend power to your magic.


* The bath water should be infused with salts, herbs oils and colors that are harmonious with your love spell, such as rose, love attracting oils and pink colored salts, etc. (a small piece of rose quartz, too --large enough that it won't go down the drain)

* Anoint a pink or red candle with love spell oil.

* Have a censer and charcoal block ready to burn love spell incense on

* If you have an altar set up in your bathroom, there should be a Goddess and God candle present (depending on your path; also a couple of tarot cards for visualization would be nice: Two of Cups, and The Lovers).

* A glass of wine, preferably red, is also needed for consumption upon completion of the rite
(or red beverage that reminds you of "love," like strawberry or raspberry juice etc., if you don't drink alcohol --and again, you could put a piece of rose quartz in the chalice too, to create an elixir that amplifies your intention and energetic "love vibe," but a big enough piece that you won't swallow it, lol!)


Turn out the lights and light the candles and incense, fill the tub with warm water and add herbs, oils, salts.

(While the tub is filling, spend some time meditating at the bathroom altar, or if there's no altar, focusing on the images on the two tarot cards; imagine you and your loved one in the images). With your athame, wand or hand, draw and visualize the symbol of Venus over the bath water (or any other sigils of your path that you deem relevant to this purpose).

Lower yourself into the water and visualize it cleansing you of all negativity and worries of the mundane world. Know that these energies are releasing into the water. Relax and enjoy the warmth of the water, the scents in the air and the feeling of being cleansed of all negativity, let yourself drift.

Now concentrate and visualize attracting love and know that you are truly prepared for it to manifest in the perfect way you envision. After offering a drop of wine to your bath, drink deeply from your chalice.

When you feel you are ready, pull the plug and stay in the tub until all the water has drained (with gratitude, visualize all blocks to what you want "going down the drain" along with the water, herbs, etc.; your relationship is now cleansed of them!)

Source: http://free-love-spells-wicca.blogspot. ... -bath.html
...parenthetical comments mine

I also have some cooking recipes that incorporate roses, which I will have to post on another day.

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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Firebird »

Thank you for this Kassandra!, what a use full resource...I love roses (wish the ones in the shop smelled :P )
here's one for you m-lady!
image from wikipedia
many blessings, Firebird
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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Kassandra »


Haha, firebirdflys you bring a big smile to my face, and I accept this lovely rainbow rose with great joy!

I had a lot of fun putting together this post. It is a celebration of the season! Glad you liked.

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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Kassandra »

Rose hip flour...who'd a thunk it? This flour is very high in vitamins A, C, and in fiber. Click on the "Youtube"
icon at the right to go to Youtube and read some of the interesting comments/ideas posted by viewers.
(fyi: bannock definition, and here's a how-to video)

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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Seraphin »

My fiancee needs to see this! :D

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by RosieMoonflower »

So glad this got bumped back up! I have a rose bush at my new house! :)
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Re: Rose Water, Rose Hips & Magical Uses of Rose

Post by Firebird »

This is such a great post, Ihad to bring it back up :flyingwitch:
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