Scrying mirror or crystal ball

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Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Ashrend »

I know this obvious depends on the independent person and what they feel is best for them but I'm torn between them. I want to get one or the other I can't afford both. Is there any difference between the two and their uses? I have read that a scrying mirror can be used for seeing the past rather than the future but I can't find much online about it or wether a crystal ball would do the same
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by corvidus »

The only advantage a mirror has over a crystal ball is that it isn’t already aligned with certain energies.

For example, a Sunstone crystal ball already generates a specific frequency, whereas the mirror can be ‘programmed’ to hold the frequency of a Sunstone, a Moonstone, the planets, the past, present, future and etc. The Sunstone will only be useful for certain scrying operations (specifically ‘Solar’ operations)

Certain gems, like obsidian and other black stones which absorb ‘light’, or quartz, can be charged the same way a mirror can because of their ability to adapt their own frequency well enough. The reason a Sunstone won’t do this so well is because of mineral inclusions in the crystal structure (giving it the color).

My preference at the moment are gemstone spheres, but I’ve used the mirror in the past, and will most likely use one again. Basically, my advice would be to clearly define the goal of your scrying practice, find what suits it best, and get to work! In the future you can always switch, nothing wrong with that :)

Also, I personally like obsidian, because it’s a glass, just like a mirror! Lol
I also like Lapis Lazuli.
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Firebird »

In my opinion either should work. I have never heard that one or the other could be used exclusively for looking forward or looking backwards. Many things will work to shift your brain. I have a black glass bowl I put water in and that works real well. It was about a dollar and fifty cents at the thrift of my best tools. It works very much like a black mirror, except the water seems to add something. Personally I do not have the best luck with crystal balls and I have several. The plain glass one has irritating glass swirl trails in it, and the leaded glass is pure and beautiful but has yet to reveal a thing. Then there are the numerous quartz crystal balls I seem to collect. It would be extremely expensive to find a clear one, most have some texture of the stone within and that can be benificial in that shapes can be discerned at different angles. Out of the many different stone spheres I have acquired over the years, the rainbow obsidian works the best, with the orange calcite actually coming in second. But I think it is purely personal preference.
Ooops looks like Corvidus has slid in there...hi corvidus :wave:
Best wishes in your quest Ashrend!
By the way, my best glass ball I got at an antique store for like 90 bucks...not too bad. My worst was mail order for over 100.oo
I had to return it 3 times until I realized they were all going to have swirls in the glass.
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by SpiritTalker »

It seems to me that crystal responds to our emotions. A mirrored surface reflects back what we put out. An obsidian mirror does both.
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Ashrend »

This is really interesting thanks peeps. I think the main purpose of the mirror/ball would be to both look into the past and the future as well as gathering information maybe by using it as a window into other realms. I'm feeling more inclined to a obsidian mirror or ball ATM but would that be the best material for my purpose or would a different gem help more? I don't plan to spend extortionate amounts on these things but willing to put more than a tenner on it. I also like the idea of a mirror so I could make it a case or frame from wood
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by SpiritTalker »

IMO scrying is a window to revealing what we already know at a different level of conscious. The tool is just the means to becoming aware of it.

The feelings we can experience by handling different stones is variable by user. To know which stones relax you and cue you, you'd have to handle some samples. Obsidian is less expensive than quartz & somewhat grounding. You will have your own feelings, but just as examples; I feel obsidian in my gut which I associate as centering; and centering is key to psychic image reception. In comparison I feel quartz in my throat which I associate as key to word communication & to thought-impressions. It feels like there's interaction.

A mirror is not as touchy-feely. My experience with mirror scrying has been like I'm viewing as an outside observer & have little emotional feeling or evolvement with images, & that's an aid with catastrophic scenes. As an aside, I've thought of a mirror as a tool suggestive of bilocation when remote viewing.

Any reflective surface works for scrying. Any images that start within the object quickly moves to the mental screen. I can't tell you which is better since they all have pro's and cons. It depends on what you resonate with & what's available & within your means.
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Firebird »

I've seen some Excellent obsidian disks. They are usually a quarter inch or more wide and come in sizes from 3" to about 9" . maybe bigger, And range from 30 dollars to 300 depending on the source.
I think that is your best bet, obsidian is quite special.
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Ashrend »

Is there anything I need to be wary off as I get the feeling especially with obsidian that other malevolent beings could star back through the mirror which I obviously don't want
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by SpiritTalker »

I suggest you get off the malevolent being train of thought. It doesn't belong in your mind. You control your thinking.
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Ashrend »

Fair enough just playing it safe
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Firebird »

Cleanse it and charge it to it's highest good,
Consecrate it to be your personal tool and keep it in a soft bag when not in use.
And, what Spirit said :)
I'm excited for you!
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Re: Scrying mirror or crystal ball

Post by Ashrend »

Thank you I'm excited too even if I don't get good results coz it's still a beautiful piece of equipment in my arsenal
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