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Spell to Give Birth to a Healthy Baby

baby feet

If you are worried that your unborn child may be ill or be born with an inherited problem, cut an apple in half. Take one half and rub the fruit over your belly. Envision any sickness being drawn out of your womb and out of your child, and into the fruit. When you are done, bury that tainted half an apple in the ground, away from your baby's nursery window. Then go wash up, you are probably all sticky.

If a tree grows from the seeds left in the buried apple, this is an indication that your child will be very strongly linked to the element of Earth, and will never know hunger.

Eat the remaining half while envisioning your baby being born happy and healthy. You may wish to light a green, pine-scented candle while doing this. Green candles are great for healing spells, and pine is associated with Earth and fertility. If you are allergic or can't eat apples, throw it out, but take the time to do the visualization.

(The apple doesn't have to be green. I just used a picture of green apples.)

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