Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

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Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by TheYoungHag »

So I casted on the 28th of July a circle in whichI I burned a piece of paper and rose petals with a spell to call forth for ''love'' and a ''soulmate''.
The next day a coworker of mine who I previously only spoke to when I needed help, which he gave but it was horrible and wrong advice so I kinda got annoyed whenever I saw him, then he sat next to me and teased me the whole shift. When we talked about how one of my clients was a guy I once went on a date with, he wanted me to verify that I really had zero interest in the guy. The following days he kept laughing, winking and blowing kisses at me (I have a bad case of resting bitch face and stark behavior) and teasing me, while remebering small details about what I said previous days and making comments like; oh you don't own a dress, you wanna wear a shirt of mine?
He is a very social, confident and funny guy so that's why i couldn't really ''read'' his actions that well.
Two days ago he said that I made him nervous so I asked him why?; which he said; I am in love with you. He said this in the work space, where evrybody could hear and see us. Leaving me a bit baffeld, I said something like okaaay and before I could blink he was already talking to someone else. I wanted to confornt him more yesterday about his flirtatations but he kinda ignored me and flirted with 2-3 girls in front of me the whole shift.
I do really like this guy; he intruges me.
So yeah, I thought the ritual I did worked... but now I am not so sure... any advice?
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Re: Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Hi Young Hag, so you only cast the spell really only a few days ago. I have not personally cast a love spell, but I have heard from many people's experiences that they take time, especially if you are seeking to attract a very significant love in your life. A quick fling may only require waiting a few days or weeks, but a deep and lasting love (like a soulmate) may take months or even years for the spell to manifest. Magic works subtly, influencing things in unseen ways -- it takes a lot of time and work to arrange a fortuitous meeting between two people who are well-matched for love.

On the other hand, your description of your co-worker raises all kinds of red flags for me. A guy whom you didn't really have any interest before suddenly becomes very flirtatious and attentive to you, and then the moment that you start thinking you could reciprocate, he's doing it to someone else. This is a practice known as "love-bombing" -- he showers you with an overwhelming amount of affection to get you to bond with him very quickly (although his own bond towards you is not strong at all, despite his claims to the contrary). He tells you he's in love with you, he's never met anyone like you, that you're the only person who could understand him, he loves every tiny thing about you, he shares all your interests, etc. This is not the same as falling in love with someone else, because of course quick courtships do happen, but a very one-sided love bombing comes from someone who wants to exploit or abuse you (definitely an energy vampire at the very least). It's the mark of a scammer.

Love-bombing doesn't last forever, and it's very common for the love-bomber to rapidly withdraw his affections, leaving you feeling unbalanced and questioning what you did wrong. It is very common for them to apply the same tactics to someone else (this is called "triangulation"), leaving you even more confused and insecure. When you're desperate to reconnect with him, they're able to manipulate you at their whim. He may turn the charm back on if he senses that you're losing interest and moving on, starting the cycle all over again.

Bottom line is: Tread very carefully around this guy. Real love takes time to develop from both sides. This is not your spell at work; this is something else. Watch for signs of love-bombing -- it may feel great, but it's leading towards something bad.
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Re: Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I agree with the above. I think your spell's immediate effect was psychological & made you give off signs that you were approachable. If you really find the guy interesting as a person, and not just because he's shown interest in you, then Stop trying to "read" the poor guy and tell him he intrigues you. That's a flattering comment & he may be encouraged to act. "Oo-kaay" to ""I'm in love with you" embarrassed & put him in doubt, so he backed off. The man's only human, If he's worth a second look maybe even a 3rd.
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Re: Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by Firebird »

I'm saying run. blue_flee
Anyone who would tell you they love you, then turn around and flirt with not one but 2-3 other people is a problem waiting to happen.
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Re: Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by Sarina »

It could be that your spell did stir up some energy that brought this on, but think back to how specific you were in your spell. Sometimes just saying you want to meet your soul mate isn't enough. I find it best to cover your bases and go into detail about what you want because energy follows the path of least resistance. Being too vague can produce some interesting results; sometimes funny and sometimes not.

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Re: Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Funny effects for sure...that's how I got stray 'em as I do. true love has many faces, and whiskers.
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Re: Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by Sarina »

Yep! Often a cat is better company than a human! And most cats don't talk too much...except calicoes . [SMILING CAT FACE WITH HEART-SHAPED EYES]

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Re: Love sepll gone right..or wrong? Or nothing at all?

Post by smogie_michele »

This guy seems creepy. Be safe, please. If he continues, take it up with HR so his behavior can be documented.
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