Evil entities

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Evil entities

Post by beauty+rage »

So I’ve had this thing that feels like it’s been messing with me and following me around since I was 14 and I started getting into looking into my life path number and some psychic website came up offered me a free reading so I took it saying why not and she went on a whole thing saying I had something with karmic debt stealing all of my positive karma is this generic bullshit or did I get a real reading bc this could make so much sense...anyone interested in hearing more and trying to help me out?
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Re: Evil entities

Post by Firebird »

I'm a little leary of on line "readings" ...kinda surprised she didn't want money. They would likely tell you anything to freak you out maybe with the idea they will have a "cure", or another reading, for a price.
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Re: Evil entities

Post by Corbin »

"... karmic debt stealing all of my positive karma ..."

Definitely sounds like bs. The western concept of karma as a punitive, punishing force is bs regardless - badly filtering an eastern philosophical concept of experience, incarnation and spiritual evolution through the mangler of a western concept of a judging agency parcelling out rewards and punishments (a monotheistic God).

"I've got good karma, reward me ... give them / they have bad karma and punish them". People talk so. much. crap. about karma, especially when they give it a persona or agenda.

Think on this regarding karmic debt - if you have experienced everything you spiritually need to experience and understand; if you have no debt, you have no reason or need to learn anything (ergo: to incarnate) unless you are purely here to help others. So almost everyone who is here is here for some reason, almost everybody has karmic debt - lessons to learn. These are not punishments, its just not all spiritual lessons are nice, many need to be tested and learned through adversity.

Karma in eastern thought is the mechanical turn of the spiritual universe. Every trial in life holds an opportunity, trials of the same theme - if the pattern is recognised - point to lessons you need to understand and that will keep coming until you do.
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Re: Evil entities

Post by GhostRider »

If you have an entity clinging to you then you need to speak right up. Lay down ground rules. Don't expect anything but that your rules will be followed. It can be as simple as you just telling the entity to take a long hike off a short pier. If you are in a forgiving mood you can ask it why it is bothering you by asking yes and no questions and getting a knock for yes and two for no. It may need help of some kind and any adverse effects could be attention getting devices. Just decide on your rules and then state them clearly and with strength.
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Re: Evil entities

Post by Crazy Cat Lady »

An evil entity and karmic debt are two *very* different things. A karmic debt is something you "owe" someone/yourself/the universe....and not in the sense of punishment either. More like making amends, correcting a mistake, cleaning up after yourself in a cosmic sense. An evil entity is a living (ish) thing that actively intends you harm. I personally believe that most 'evil entities' are actually neither evil nor entities. Usually it's bad luck, negativity, or poor decisions/behavior. Or sometimes it's an entity or circumstance that is merely unpleasant, not actually evil. So your first step would be to determine what is actually happening in your particular case, which will determine your course of action from there.
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